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Posts with tag Ships

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A map I put up a year and a half ago went viral this winter; it shows the paths taken by ships in the US Maury collection of the ICOADS database. I’ve had several requests for higher-quality versions: I had some up already, but I just put up on Flickr a basically comparable high resolution version. US Maury is “Deck 701” in the ICOADS collection: I also put up charts for all of the other decks with fewer than 3,000,000 points. You can page through them below, or download the high quality versions from Flickr directly. (At the time of posting, you have to click on the three dots to get through to the summaries).

[Temporary note, March 2015: those arriving from reddit may also be interested in this post, which has a bit more about the specific image and a few more like it.]

Note: this post is part 5 of my series on whaling logs and digital history. For the full overview, click here.

Note: this post is part 4, section 2 of my series on whaling logs and digital history. For the full overview, click here.

Note: this post is part 4 of my series on whaling logs and digital history. For the full overview, click here.

Note: this post is part I of my series on whaling logs and digital history. For the full overview, click here.

Melville Plots Oct 18 2012

Note: this post is part III of my series on whaling logs and digital history. For the full overview, click here.

Note: this post is part II of my series on whaling logs and digital history. For the full overview, click here.